Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 Zodiac Change!?

wow....its been almost a year since i have updated...i guess this blog is fully dead huh??...nvm...i'll just take it as if i m talking to myself then~ X3

2011 Zodiac Signs Changed...I m sure most of us heard of it...from FB /Twitter....or maybe even news online...
According to the news from the Internet (which is NOT reliable...since Internet is famous from hoaxes) , there is a new range for all the zodiac signs we are familiar with....because...thr is a new 13th sign being introduced..which is the Ophiuchus a.k.a Serpentarius. Click here for more info ->  HERE!
And then thr are websites that said...this isn't new...Ophiuchus (Oh-Fee-Yew-Cus) was actually found since 2000 years ago. Well then why we din know anything bout it? Dats because astrologers din not choose to implement this sign ( something like the Ophiuchus sign will fall between Scorpio and Sagittarius and only appeared for abt 19 days so it was not recorded as one of the 12 zodiac signs ...O_O no proof here okay!! I just read sumwhr on the INTERNET...which i forgot the link) it says in some link that Ophiuchus ppl are healer by nature and a genius and ppl ard them gets jealous of them easily =/ not much info bout it though......So the person who suggest this new system was Parkle Kunkle, a professor in Astronomy and also a volunteer for the Minnesota Planetarium Society.

Well, so here is the new date range , if u didn't know :

New Date Ranges for Zodiac Signs

The Capricorn range is January 20 - February 16.
The Aquarius range is February 16 - March 11.
The Pisces range is March 11- April 18.
The Aries range is April 18- May 13.
The Gemini range is June 21- July 20.The Taurus range is May 13- June 21.
The Cancer range is July 20- August 10.
The Leo range is August 10- September 16.
The Virgo range is September 16- October 30.
The Libra range is October 30- November 23.
The Scorpio range is November 23- November 29.
The new Ophiuchus range is November 29- December 17.
The new Sagittarius range is December 17- January 20.

Well, but i also saw another similar date range but is slightly I have no idea at all at which is the accurate one....And then, thr is also sayings that this whole thing only affects people born after year 2009....which i also dunno whether its true a not ...just dat i heard many people saying that ...-> 2009!!

Of COZ! There were many reactions all around the cyber world...Different comments...some anger, some happiness...
Some gladly welcome the new changing saying that they believe its true coz they tot they did not fit the description of the original zodiac signs and fitted perfectly with the new ones....

Others scolded and cursed the person who created this new system for being stupid and others... they think that its all just a false news and just a random hoax that is played overboard.....Many hated their new signs..

There are those of the neutrals where they either silently accepted their new signs or just choose to believe what they were in the 1st place, that no matter what the news says, they remained the same sign at heart...

This one says that the whole 13th sign thingy is a false -> FALSE!
Lots of opinion eh?

After reading sooooo many sources...I chose to believe what sounds logical to me...which is this part of the story (click for the website i got the idea from link):
That the 13th sign only affects astronomy believes and sidereal astrology but not the western astrology....Which means that everything , change or not just depends on how a person thinks...whether the person choses to follow the sidereal astrology which is based on the constellations we've learnt in science..or whether he/she prefers to follow the western astrology which is based on the seasons (the ones we've been checking the updates all these while and searching for predictions)...Either way....I came up with a conclusion!!

Conclusion: Choose what u wana believe...its impossible to say that ur personality change over a night just become some news said ur sign was changed rite? its also impossible to believe and stay outdated and chose to "ignore" that when a new star is introduced which existed for a long time but wasn't

I dunno...dats for u to figure out...i got mine to figure too ya know...XD~ To be honest i was furious at first when i found this out coz i loved my sign...XD but i actually just depends on what u choose to believe...

sure...u cannot choose the sign, but u can choose whether or not to believe it rite? =D

btw~ having said so much i m actually on both sides since i m quote interested with this new sign Ophiuchus~ =3 sounds cool doesn't it? hehe.