Biseinen - literally, beautiful young adult; in anime refers to a very pretty or handsome young man, usually over the age of 17-18 but no older than mid-twenties Bishojo- translates to "pretty girl," of shoujo anime and manga.
Bishi (bishie/bijin)- Some fans prefer to use slightly more sexually neutral bishie (also spelled as bishi) or bijin, but these terms remain less common.
Uchuujin- (uu-chuu-jin) Aliens/ Outer space beings. May come in many forms like frog, human and all. Some are friendly but some just want to conquer earth. Directly translated as "universe person"
Ningyo- (nin-gyo) Mermaids. May refer to both mermaids and mermans.
Tenshi- (ten-shi) Angel or angels. Opposite of akuma. Usable for both male and female. May/ may not have wings. Different anime may portray it differently.
Akuma- (ah-ku-ma) Demon / devil. Opposite of Tenshi. Akuma may also be an adjective to emphasize a statement. May/ may not have wings. Different anime may portray it differently. Eg, sebastian often says he is one hell of a butler (which the jap phrase is..."
Watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desu kara ") Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji is an example of akuma who doesn't have wings.
Shinigami - (shi-ni-ga-mi) Deathgod or death reaper. Directly translated as death god. May or may not use a scythe and comes in many different forms, human form, reaper form, with or without wings and others.
Henshin- (hen-shin) Not a noun. Directly translated as "tranform". Usually a term used for transformation or when a character transform or even mutate. Characters usually shouts and does certain poses. Eg. Kamen Rider uses a lot.
Shinka- (shin-ka) Not a noun. Directly translated as "evolve". Usually a term used for evolution. Eg. Digimon and Pokemon.